Knowledge Base

Adding Variables for The Look up Tables in CTS using The Admin Panel

Why would we add variables into CTS?

As the architect inside of CTS you are going to want to create OPTIONS for the users that are available through the DROP DOWN menus when they are working inside of CTS. These preloaded options cut down on the errors in data entry and save time for the users because they do not have to type the data, but simply select from a drop down. 

How to add variables  

Step 1

  • Bring up the main screen
  • Click on user setting menu by clicking on the wrench

Step 2

  • Point on the CTS View 

Step 3

  • Point on the area you would like to add a new option for; in the video we chose “Evaluation Measurement technique” 
  • Use the + and add new button 

Step 4

Click on the check mark to save changes – the saved information is now available in CTS